Academic Day
Not applicable
Calendar Reminders
LCC campus is currently closed.
Happy Birthday!
Alexandre Savary (KB)
Leadership Elections
Congratulations to Zoe Topiol and Adam Leiblein on being elected Head Girl and Head Boy respectively for the 2020-2021 school year! Thank you to the other candidates for their participation in this process.
Upcoming Events
- Grade 11 Play: Talent Show Fail
- Tuesday, June 9 @ 5 pm (available online for 24 hours)
- Tickets: students $5, adults $10
- All proceeds support the University of Toronto Iranian Memorial Scholarship Fund & the LCC Emergency Bursary Fund
- Final Pick-Up of Materials
- Junior School
- Middle and Senior School (during CSBE Book Intake)
- Positively Proud Initiative
- Week of June 8-12: Let's Celebrate Our Fathers!
- Father's Day is Sunday, June 21!
- Students, faculty & staff: let’s show our fathers how we appreciate them! Send in a photo, drawing, piece of art, poem or note by Friday, June 12 at 9 am.
- We will share your submissions on social media.
- Week of June 8-12: Let's Celebrate Our Fathers!
Tip of the Day: Mental Health
- Do things offline that make you happy (drawing, playing music, cooking).
Joke of the Day
- More than ever, we need to laugh! According to the Mayo Clinic laughing relieves stress and tension, improves your immune system and your mood, relieves pain and increases personal satisfaction. And that's no joke!
- So let's get started! Send us your favourite joke and it may be included as the Joke of the Day in the Daily Announcements.
Early Dismissals
Not applicable